If you are fed up with sitting in your office and doing the same things all day, you need to visit a few cool websites to get your energy up. You can visit funny social media sites to fill yourself with excitement. You can also read a funny Tumblr blog titled StumbleUpon. Its illustrations show two types of people in the world. You can read about their life and death stories to pass the time and keep your mind active.
There are plenty of other interesting websites that will help you to kill boredom. The Rich Kids of Instagram are a great way to pass the time or motivate yourself to finish your projects. Patatap plays relaxing sounds as you type. It is great for people who don’t like to read lengthy articles while bored. The Onion is an online satirical newspaper that was founded in 1988. You can find quality humor here as well as news articles that make you laugh.
Brain Pickings is an excellent site for reading the latest news on a particular subject. The site publishes daily updates about things that interest users. You can create an account to vote up or down posts, and even participate in conversations. Maria Popova, an MIT Fellow, runs the site. The coolest thing about it is that you can easily share your favorite articles with others, and you can read about other people’s lives as you play!